Harjee Kapur

As a news publication platform, whose newspapers reach over 18M households every day, a vast readership would consist of the women of the household, the ones who keep everything in order, from the lunches to the laundry. It was important that they were given something that would be of great interest to them, and would have an impact on their everyday lives.

Especially for this, Punjab Kesari Group launched a channel which focuses on cooking — recipes, hacks and more. With the new recipes, the women have more things which they can come up with and the kitchen hacks make their lives easier, making things they do even simpler and convenient. The channel has gained a lot of social media presence as well. The Facebook page has over 4.3M followers, the YouTube channel amassing 133K subscribers, while the Instagram page has over 1.1M followers.



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/punjabkesariyum/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yum.recipe/?hl=en 

Youtube_YUM TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCao2ujbKlXmYiwoesbVuDUw 

Website: https://www.yumrecipe.in/ 

Application – https://apps.apple.com/in/app/yum-recipes/id1225104109 

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